Who We Are

One Rabbit

What’s with the name?

The man who chases many rabbits catches none

It was Confucius who coined this phrase. While we may have tweaked a couple of the words, the thinking behind it remains the same. It succinctly summarises the core of our approach and is the inspiration behind our name.

So how does it relate to the marketing of professional services? Good question…

The lure of trying to appeal to too many rabbits is hard to resist. Anyone with a chequebook becomes a rabbit to chase. More rabbits means more customers?

Actually, the opposite is true!

Chasing too many rabbits makes it impossible to maximise your appeal to any one rabbit. As you try to be appealing to everyone, real meaningful differentiation feels risky. Your language and messaging is dialed right back to being generic and vanilla.

The result … you lose your appeal. You become unmarketable. Attracting and winning new business is complex, expensive, ineffective.

Our Journey…

What brought us here is the realisation of the above. We were a generalist firm. We were really good at what we did, but that in itself was not enough to differentiate us from other firms.

Like most, we had a high conversion rate when we could talk to a client, but more often than not, we were asked to “pitch” for poorly briefed work against a bunch of other firms. If we didn’t get the gig we were left scratching our heads as to why the client made the decision they did.

To cut a long story short, we took a step back, worked out where we did our best work and decided to narrow our focus and become better and wiser to deliver our clients a better outcome.

It wasn’t an easy road to take, but that’s a good thing because if something is easy, anyone could do it and therefore have limited value.

If that sounds like a similar journey you’d like to take, then please get in touch for a chat.

The OneRabbit Team

Jim Thompson

Don’t expect your client to be brave if you’re not…

Fear is the biggest roadblock to differentiation and becoming marketable. I know because I’ve been there and why I’m here to help you on your journey.

I was a management accountant in a past life, highly sceptical of marketing, its effectiveness and ROI, still am from a "branding" sense.

Therefore you won’t find me sprouting any textbook theory.

In my opinion, it's mostly BS and only applicable to the big end of town or consumer-facing brands.

You will, however, see and hear things from me that you haven’t seen or heard before – and if it weren’t unconventional, it would be conventional and by default what everyone else is doing…

Agree with me or not, we will still have a laugh – business can and should be enjoyable, life's too short.

Jonathan Roberts

Jonathan Roberts

Unlike my colleagues, I've been in Sales & Marketing almost all my working life. Selling office products door to door in the 80's was a blast... Not!

I now advise consulting firms across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK, on our No BS approach to Business Development, Client Engagement and Pipeline Management.

Trying to 'sell' advice doesn't work in the 2020's. Building an engaged ideal audience that values your advice and wants to work with you does.

Best of all most firms don't have the courage to do what it takes. Do you?

Conal McClure

I’m definitely not a marketer, perhaps more a marketing cynic!

Unfortunately, marketing often becomes a sleight of hand, trying to influence buyers using minor, exaggerated, emotive or non-existent points of difference that do little to make their buying decision easy.

It’s not that marketing is necessarily difficult, it’s just that what is being marketed is difficult to market. This is the reality for most consulting firms, even those delivering market leading expertise.

Marketing should be simple and effective once the real underlying challenges of becoming marketable are answered.

Before you start

Before beginning any engagement and to create a more valuable initial conversation we ask you to download and read our guide.


Inside you will find out more about the One Rabbit philosophy, learn some uncomfortable truths and how to market your firm.

Why it’s so hard for consulting firms to market themselves.
Practical steps you can take to overcome the uncomfortable truth and leapfrog your competitors.
The most common mistakes that consulting firms make in marketing themselves.